Echoes of the Shenandoah
Tenth Gathering of Clan Ewing
Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia
September 18-21, 2008
Pictures taken by David Ewing, Wally Ewing, Alisa Mitchell and Bill Riddle at the gathering were collected by Mary Gosline and posted to the Internet using Shutterfly. Click here to view the pictures collected by Mary Gosline.Echoes of the Shenandoah - the theme for the 2008 Gathering of Clan Ewing - focused our attention on the Ewing families who migrated to, settled in, and traveled through the lower Shenandoah Valley. Attendees listened for the echoes of those early Ewings who were among the first settlers of Frederick County, Virginia, as well as their descendants who made their homes in the Shenandoah Valley through the last 270 years. William Ewing's family -- one of the few original families known to be remaining in the Winchester-Stephens City area -- was a special focus for the gathering.
The logo of overflowing apple baskets surrounding a wagon reminded us of the pioneers who carried apple seeds in their pockets to begin new settlements in the valley and the importance of the Great Philadelphia Wagon Road (PDF), the migration route which brought settlers to this area and beyond. Both symbols relate to important industries in the Northern Shenandoah Valley. Groves of apple trees line the country roads of Frederick County for miles. Winchester, the center of the apple industry in the valley, is home to the annual Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival in May and the Apple Harvest Festival in September. From the 1790s to the 1850s Stephensburg (Stephens City) was the center of the wagon making trade in Virginia.
Attendees heard the stories of early pioneers, the Civil War soldiers from both North and South, and the citizens of today. They also heard the footsteps of folks walking through the valley and the sounds of wagon wheels rolling along the ruts in the road. They were introduced to the spirits in the slave kitchen of the Wayside Inn. They listened to the music of Patsy Cline. They tasted the delicacies of southern cooking. They imagined the beauty of the apple blossoms in spring and savored the fall colors in September.
This section of the web site provides Context-Setting Reports related to this celebration. Historical and genealogical reports provide background for the gathering. Other reports showcase places of interest which guests included in their visit to Virginia and the Frederick County area. There are also Tidbits which enhanced the attendees' knowledge of the area.